Our Committee

We are a not-for-profit, community pre-school, which relies heavily on parents/carers to contribute some of their time and energy to help run the kinder. Our Committee of Management is a volunteer organisation, made up of 12-20 parents and interested community members. Its main functions are to:

  • work with staff and the WHPS community to implement the National Quality Framework and meet the National Quality Standards
  • ensure compliance with the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010, and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011
  • manage the financial & general administration of the pre-school
  • undertake planning and policy development
  • ensure staffing health and safety
  • maintain property and equipment
  • organise fundraising and social events
WHPS is an incorporated Association

All parents automatically become members upon payment of fees. Parent ideas and involvement are an essential and highly valued part of the Pre-school’s operation.
Members are encouraged to:

  • attend the annual general meeting
  • support fundraising ventures
  • contribute to WHPS events and activities.
Interested in becoming a committee member?

Elections are held at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in November each year. Follow the link to view our Committee Role Descriptions.

Committee Members

Our current Committee Members list can be found here.

Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are held at least twice a term at WHPS on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings from 7pm. All members of the WHPS community are welcome to attend! Please check our key term dates for our next scheduled meeting.

Committee Minutes

If you would like to read our monthly Committee Meeting Minutes, please follow the link. Please note, this page is password protected and for Members of the Incorporated Association only.