Enrolment Process
West Hawthorn Pre-school is a member of the City of Boroondara’s kindergarten ‘Central Enrolment Scheme’. Enrolment applications can be lodged online via the Central Enrolment Scheme website. Information kits and hard copy application forms can also be requested via the Central Enrolment Scheme website, Council Offices and Boroondara libraries.
When should I submit my child’s application?
You can put in an expression of interest through Boroondara’s Central Enrolment Scheme from your child’s birth. Then registrations will open from 1 May to 30 June each year for allocations to 3 and 4-year-old places for the following year. Please check the Central Enrolment Scheme website for more information.
Is my child ‘ready’ to start pre-school?
We believe the most important question to ask yourself is “When will be the right time for my child to start school?” This is an especially significant decision for parents whose child was born between January and March and can start school at either 5 or 6 years of age.
Should I delay my child’s pre-school start?
We’re sure at this point school feels like a very long way away. But it is much easier working back from here than starting kinder as soon as your child is eligible.
For example, some parents choose to start their child in a 3-year-old kinder program as soon as they turn 3. However, by the end of 4-year-old kinder they realise that their child isn’t quite ready for school. At this point, it is very difficult to delay starting school, unless you are able to find and afford a position in a full fee paying pre-prep program.
Is my child eligible for a second year of 4-year-old funding?
To repeat 4-year-old kinder and receive a second year of funding, your child would need to be assessed and found as to having two areas of developmental delay. Often this requires specialist involvement. Further information can be found on the Department of Education website.
Can my child repeat 3-year-old kinder?
As 3-year-old kindergarten is now funded, children cannot repeat 3-year-old kinder as they cannot receive a second year of funding for this program. Children can only withdraw and defer at the start of the year to be able to access a funded 3-year-old program the following year.
How old does my child have to be to start pre-school?
3-year-old kinder – Your child must be 3 years of age before commencing 3-year-old kindergarten. This means that your child may start on their birthday and after Term 1 has commenced, and this may not give the teachers much time to assess if your child should defer. An advance payment of any full-term fees may be required to hold this place.
4-year-old kinder – Your child must be 4 years of age by 30 April to be eligible to attend in that year.
Do you support children with special needs?
All children are welcome at WHPS. Where necessary, the program is modified and additional support can be applied for through the Kindergarten Inclusion Support Program (KIS). Planning starts well before the first day of term. The collaboration of our staff, families, Early Intervention Services and other allied health professionals plays an integral part in ensuring that each child’s individual needs are met.
How are children with special needs supported?
The Preschool Field Officer Program supports children with a range of developmental concerns and additional needs who are usually not receiving supports from Early Childhood Intervention Services or Kindergarten Inclusion Support Service packages. It is a state-funded, locally responsive program that provides practical advice and on-ground support to kindergarten staff. A consultancy service is provided for with both staff and parents to ensure all children are given the same opportunity to access and fully participate in the kindergarten curriculum. Pre-school Field Officers (PSFO) are highly qualified.
Who gets preference for places?
Boroondara’s Central Enrolment Scheme have a strict and detailed criteria regarding who gets preference for places and WHPS has no influence on this. The Central Enrolment Scheme‘s allocation criteria for 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten placements can be found at the following link: Central Enrolment Scheme’s how kindergarten places are allocated.
Do we need to live in Boroondara to apply?
No, families from other areas can still apply through the same Boroondara Central Enrolment Scheme process. We often have families from Richmond and other areas.
When will I be notified of my progress or if my child has a place?
Boroondara’s Central Enrolment Scheme manage all the applications and placements. Please contact them directly with any queries.
Once offers have been made by the Central Enrolment Scheme, they will notify us, usually late in September, of the families starting in the following year. We will then send out a Welcome email including details on how to enrol your child in our program. Further information can be found in our Enrolment and Orientation Policy.
Under the ‘No jab, no play’ Victorian Government Legislation, an up-to-date Immunisation History Statement for each of your children is required before your enrolment can be accepted. The requirements of this legislation are covered in our Dealing with Infectious Diseases Policy.
To obtain your child’s Immunisation History Statement:
Call: 1800 653 809
Email: acir@medicareaustralia.gov.au, or
Visit: Medicare Australian Immunisation Register, or
Visit your local Medicare Service Centre.